Intro to Decorators in Python


Matthew Darling

August 12th, 2013


Fair warning: I may omit details/tell white lies (at first)

Also, pretty much all my examples are barely-modified versions of stuff I found online - the original links should all be in my prep file under the "Content notes" section

What a decorator is

  • Decorators are functions that modify other functions (white lie: you can actually use any callable, ie classes - see the link to Python Patterns, Recipes, and Idioms)
  • You can use them on your own functions, and on functions from an imported module

The long way

When you're using a decorator, what you're really doing is this:

function = cache(function)

How to use a decorator that someone else wrote

Since there are a lot of good decorators available as PyPI packages or code snippets of dubious quality, you can get a lot of cool stuff without ever writing your own decorators.

So how do you use them?

def function():
    return really_complex_result()

And you're done! Pat yourself on the back

OOP examples

How to decorate a function with no arguments

def verbose(function):
    print("I'm the decorator - my argument must be a function")
    def wrapper():
        print("This is the wrapper - it calls the original function")
        print("You called", function.__name__)
        result = function()
        print("Now we return the result of the function call")
        return result
    return wrapper

def hello():

print("Before we call the decorator, we've defined", hello.__name__)
hello = verbose(hello)

print("After calling the decorator, the function's name is", hello.__name__)


Before we call the decorator, we've defined hello
I'm the decorator - my argument must be a function
This is the wrapper - it calls the original function
You called hello
Now we return the result of the function call
After calling the decorator, the function's name is wrapper"

How to decorate a function with known arguments

If you know exactly how many arguments your function takes, you can hardcode the number of arguments for the wrapper function:

def elementwise(function):
    def wrapper(arg):
        if hasattr(arg,'__getitem__'):  #is a sequence
            return type(arg)(map(function, arg))
            #Note that wrapper receives the arguments meant for "function"
            #If "function" required more than one argument, this wouldn't work
            return function(arg)
    return wrapper

def compute(x):
    return x**3 - 1

print(compute([1,2,3])) #passing a list
print(compute((1,2,3))) #passing a tuple


[0, 7, 26]
(0, 7, 26)"

How to decorate a function with unknown arguments

But if you want your generator to be more general, you need to support any possible combination of arguments:

import time
def benchmark(function):
    """A decorator that prints the time a function takes to execute."""
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): #This function will accept any arguments
        t = time.clock()
        result = function(*args, **kwargs)
        print("The function", function.__name__, "took", time.clock()-t)
        return result
    return wrapper

def waste_time(wait, test="nothing", extra="Read all about it!"):
    print("Experimenting with:", test)
    print("Breaking news:", extra)


waste_time(3, test="decorators")
waste_time(3, extra="this is best presentation I've seen all day")


"Experimenting with: nothing
Breaking news: Read all about it!
The function waste_time took 2.99943593545
Experimenting with: decorators
Breaking news: Read all about it!
The function waste_time took 2.99978290028
Experimenting with: nothing
Breaking news: this is best presentation I've seen all day
The function waste_time took 2.9998539511"

How to write a decorator factory

A decorator with arguments means: "wrap this function with the output of the decorator factory"

Here's how it works:

#call example with the return value of test
example(test("this is a test"))
#call the return value of test_factory with "this is a test"
test_factory(args=[])("this is a test")
#Factory returns a function
#Call its return value with "this is a test"

Similar to:

#Call decorator_factory(argument), then call its return value with function

Very simple decorator factory with Flask

Courtesy of this blog post, here's an example:

from Flask import flask
app = Flask(__name__)

#the app.route decorator has an argument
#technically, you could call it a decorator factory
def index():
    return "Hello, EdmontonPy!"

if __name__ == "__main__": = True) #we have no main function - we delegate to Flask

Real example of a decorator factory

def deprecated(replacement=None):
    print("You've called the deprecated factory with", replacement.__name__ 
          if replacement else None)
    def decorator(old_function):
        print("The decorator function received", old_function.__name__,
              "as its sole argument")
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            msg = "{} is deprecated".format(old_function.__name__)
            if replacement is not None:
                msg += "; use {} instead".format(replacement.__name__)
                return replacement(*args, **kwargs)
                return old_function(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    return decorator

Example usage

print("Calling the factory with no arguments")
test = deprecated()

def sum_many(*args):
    return sum(args)

print("Calling the factory with a replacement function")
many_deprecated = deprecated(sum_many)
print("The factory returned",

#Equivalent: @many_deprecated
#def sum_couple ..etc..
def sum_couple(a, b):
    return a + b

print("Going to call sum_couple now")
print(sum_couple(2, 2))


"Calling the factory with no arguments
You've called the deprecated factory with None
Calling the factory with a replacement function
You've called the deprecated factory with sum_many
The factory returned decorator
You've called the deprecated factory with sum_many
The decorator function received sum_couple as its sole argument
Going to call sum_couple now
sum_couple is deprecated; use sum_many instead

functools.wraps and the decorator module

Remember how we saw "After calling the decorator, the function's name is wrapper"?

You'll never be able to debug that, because every decorated function will have a __name__ of "wrapper"

Solutions: functools.wraps, or the decorator module

  • functools.wraps is lightweight and does the most important things
  • The decorator module offers a bit of extra functionality (check the docs)
  • But which you use is more a question of personal/aesthetic preference

functools example

from functools import wraps

def verbose(function):
    print("I'm the decorator - I can only take one argument")
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        print("This is your wrapper speaking")
        result = function(*args, **kwargs)
        return result
    return wrapper

def hello():



I'm the decorator - I can only take one argument
This is your wrapper speaking

decorator module example

from decorator import decorator

def verbose(function, *args, **kwargs):
    print("I'm the wrapper")
    result = function(*args, **kwargs)
    return result

def hello():



I'm the wrapper

Decorators are often complicated

Chris McDonough, author of Pyramid, thinks that there are often simpler ways to accomplish what decorators do - namely, including the same code in the body of your function

How important is the decorator?

It really depends on how crucial the functionality of the decorator is to the job the function does

Example: If you always want to do some logging in a function, put it in the function.

If you're turning on logging temporarily, or it's optional - then a decorator you can disable makes sense.

Decorators in frameworks

Decorators are good for "frameworks" - eg web frameworks like Flask, Django, and command line frameworks like Aaargh - where the decorator executes the user's code

In short, rather than having your own main()-like function, when you're using a framework you use their main()-like function

It then executes your code based on how you've configured it - see the next two examples

Web frameworks

from Flask import flask
app = Flask(__name__)

#when someone visits "", 
#they'll see "Hello, EdmontonPy!"
def index():
    return "Hello, EdmontonPy!"

if __name__ == "__main__": = True) #we have no main function - we delegate to Flask

Command line programs

from __future__ import print_function
import aaargh
app = aaargh.App(description="A simple greeting application.")

#if the program is called with "hello" as an argument, this function is called
def hello():
    print("Hello, EdmontonPy!", end="")

if __name__ == "__main__":["hello"]) #again, we're delegating to aaargh


"Hello, EdmontonPy!"

Decorating other people's code

Decorators can be applied after function definition, and we can save the result with a new name:

foo = decorator(bar)

As a bonus, you can even do this to functions defined in other modules, without modifying their source code!

…well, except for methods on classes defined in the stdlib. So you can't redefine str.join (sadly - why must I write ''.join([string1, string2, string3]) when it could take a variable number of arguments?)

Also, you CAN save the result with the same name, but I think it would be local to your module, and you might be surprised what happens when code in other modules tries to use the function

Why and how decorators function

If you thought closures were pointless and academic, think again!

  • Not that the accepted answer for that question will help any, but the other answers are each a little bit helpful

If you want to know more, check out Matt Harrison's Guide To Python Decorators, a $5 ebook (or ask me!)

That's not an affiliate link, it's just a really good, concise explanation of all the things that are important behind the scenes. This includes functions as first class objects and closures, which seem tangential, but actually aren't.

Closures can turn ugly, awful code (like loops with multiple exit points that require cleanup) into really nice code. A++ would use again.

Useful decorators

Tools for writing decorators

Decorator module, as previously mentioned

The built-in functools.wraps

Venusian offers delayed decorator application, with the main goal of improving testability

A recent talk at PyCon New Zealand introduced me to a modern take on the decorator module: called wrapt, it aims to make utterly flawless decorators that work on everything. In pure Python, it's about twice as slow as the original module; with the C extension, it's actually a little bit faster. It does make your decorator's definition look a bit boilerplate-y, since all the arguments go to one function, but the functionality seems solid.

There's also a package called funcy which looks interesting, aesthetically at least. Maybe don't use it in production, but I like that you can make decorator factories without any nesting.

Things I explicitly avoided here

Using classes for decorators, class decorators (they are different), some of the finer points of decorating methods (functions defined in a class)